Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Good mail day (for others) 2.5

Hallelujah! It is a miracle! I have completely answered every letter in my pile waiting for a reply, as well as writing 2 new pen pals! I feel so good about myself right now because I have not managed to do that in a very long time!

Before I start with the letters, here is my letter holder that I made. It's made out of cardboard and a wire hanger bent into shape. It works, but someday I'd like something more sturdy.

A letter from a dear friend, the only incoming in several weeks. This letter was very lovely!! But I must get getting a landslide soon, no? :(

For Lindsay, who is adjusting to life in Korea.

I made a couple mix cds for Jasmine along with my letter to her.

Summer was my partner in Bianca's mix swap, and she sent me some very lovely things! I had to send her a thank you!

A thank you for Emilie's wonderful giveaway that I won a while back.

Going to the delightful Belen.

I sent Julia some wedding pictures, as I'm not sure if she reads my blog or not.

Mr Hedgehog going to Annie.

A lovely fall letter for Callie. I had a brain fart and wrote "non-machiaable" at first. Oops.

A note for dear Katyha.

First letters going out to Merissa and Kotona. I can't wait to hear back from them!

A pink note for my pink-hating friend Estela. I had a reason though - we'd just watched a Pink Panther movie together, so I wrote the letter on my Pink Panther stationery and had to have a pink envelope too! You see?

So lots of people should watch their mailboxes, and I'll keep watching mine :)


  1. Totally loving those Kate & William stamps!

  2. Yay! I was just waiting to see my letter in this post - I knew it was coming! Ha. Can't wait to get it!

  3. Yay! Mail! Mine arrived the day you posted this - how funny! I love it :D

    x Jasmine
