Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mail post 4.3 - outgoing

Hey, y'all, a mail post! Here's some outgoing mail, probably all sent out in February and March. Yikes. 

For miss Lauren in New Jersey

For Mikaela in Finland

For Erica in Finland

For Lady Kay in California

For my old pen pal Suzanne in Arizona

For the lovely Katyha in Australia.

From miss Penny in Brazil

From Helen in England. Officially the first pen pal from England that I have received 2 letters from ever!

For my Correspondence Club partner Kaitlyn, who is a dear.

More mail for you soon! Excited about this catching up!


  1. I love the rainbow background you've put behind some of your penpals' addresses.

  2. Love the stripey envelopes and Franklin stamps!

    x Jasmine

  3. I don't think I got that letter :/
