I may just do these from time to time because I think they're fun.
Last thing I ate: chicken fingers and fries for lunch
Last thing I drank: water with lemon
Last text I sent: "it was tucked inside the McDonald's coupons haha" HA so I couldn't find my phone when we were at lunch, and I was a little worried it fell out of my pocket when I was getting into the car or something. When I got back to work I checked in my purse better, and it was tucked inside the booklet of McDonald's coupons I had in there. So I was texting Chris to tell him that I found my phone.
Last book I read: Treasure Island was the last book I finished. This morning I started listening to Invictus by Ryan Graudin on audio.
Last time I laughed: Chris and I are ridiculous and we started a fake coughing war on our way back to work after lunch. I know, we're odd.
Last thing I bought: a humidifier for our bedroom because it's soooo dry and my skin is dying. But I at least got this pretty one:
Last movie I saw: I think that was Paddington 2. Yeah, we go to watch family movies by ourselves.
Last TV show I watched: Hogan's Heroes. I got Chris the box set of the series for our anniversary and we're on the last season now.
Last thing I googled: "kid by jt during halftime show" because that was just the funniest thing and I wanted to see how quickly people would make it a meme.

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