My dearest Callie just posted this tag thingy and I just had to do my take on it! I love these kind of questionnaire things. We were obsessed with these when I was in junior high. Anyone else go through that phase?
Last thing I ate: a jam-jam cookie. Yes, it was only 9:30 but when there are cookies in the office I have to eat one fast if I want one at all. The guys I work with are cookie fiends.
Last thing I drank: a vanilla iced coffee from McDonald's. I'm addicted. It doesn't help that they're a dollar all summer.
Last text I sent: "I'm in the back" to Chris when I was picking him up after work yesterday.
Last book I read: It was just the Booktubeathon and I read 7 books in a week. The last book that I finished was Fruits Basket vol. 17, and the last book that I read from was Passenger by Alexandra Bracken.
Last time I laughed: I overheard a conversation my co-workers were having and one of their comments made me giggle.
Last thing I bought: the previously mentioned iced coffee.
Last movie I saw: Chris and I have been watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Netflix, and the last episode we watched featured the movie Starcrash. It was so horrible, I'm ashamed that Christopher Plummer was involved in that movie.
Last TV show I watched: Yesterday evening I was watching Friends while doing some housework and tackling my massive paper pile. It never ends.
Last thing I googled: "jord watches." I have one of their watches and I love it, and I've kind of been wanting another one in a different colour. I'd love to get this one but at that price tag I don't think I'll do that anytime soon!

Oh, I've been eyeing those Jord watches for forever! They're so nice-looking. I loved watching your Booktubeathon video and I'm super-impressed that you completed 7 books in a week!