It's Top 5 Wednesday, and I love today's topic so I'm joining in! Today's topic is authors you want to read more from. I'm taking this to mean authors that I've read one or two books from, and they have more published works that I can get to. I have quite a few authors, so I think there might be some honourable mentions at the end.
1. Emily St. John Mandel.
I read Station Eleven for the first time in 2015 and it instantly became one of my favourite books. I absolutely loved the writing in it, and ever since then I've been wanting to read more of her works. I have 2 more of her books waiting patiently on my shelves.
2. Stuart McLean
Stuart McLean recently passed away, and it's not very often that I get genuinely sad about a celebrity/public figure passing, but his death affected me a bit. He was a fantastic storyteller and has an extensive series called the Vinyl Cafe series. I've read the first two books and can't wait to get to more.
3. LM Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables is my life, in case you were not aware. I've read most of the Anne series, but LM Montgomery wrote SO many books outside of that series as well. I would love to read them all.
4. CS Lewis
Guys, I haven't really read CS Lewis outside of the Chronicles of Narnia. What even. I just really need to read more of his books because he was so wise.
5. Anthony Doer
I read All the Light We Cannot See in 2015 (that was an excellent reading year for me, apparently) and it wrecked me, so obviously I have to read more of his books. I have a couple of them waiting on my shelves as well.
Okay, I just have one more, so it's top 6 Wednesday now hehe.
6. Ruta Sepetys
Guess what, another author I read for the first time in 2015 that I loved that I have a couple more books from just waiting for me. Yeah...
I could add more, but these really are the top ones. What are some of the authors you need to read more from?

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