Hi friends! Today is a crazy day - it's Louis Riel Day, which is a day off in Manitoba. I guess the rest of Canada calls it Family Day, and in the States it's President's Day, yes? So the day off is great, but it started snowing yesterday evening and it's been blowing so bad ever since that I would wake up in the night and think that the house was going to blow away. We are severely trapped in the house, but my parents' neighbour is going to come with his big tractor to clear the yard. They are very lucky to have a neighbour who is a farmer and owns things like that. So hopefully I'll be able to get to work tomorrow.
Yesterday y'all saw my more recent incoming mail, and here is my outgoing today! In January I challenged myself to write 30 letters in 31 days, and even though I only made it to 22, I would say that's a really good number too! Again, I missed some pictures, and I have some pictures still on my camera which I don't care to get right now. So I'll just save those for next time :)
For cousin Jules in Ontario |
For my dear Jasmine . She's hosting a sweet giveaway right now - check it out! |
For my oldest pen pal Callie, who just had a beautiful baby girl! |
A first letter to a new friend Alecia. I wish I was in Jamaica right now, we're having a crazy blizzard today! |
Some outgoing postcrossing cards. I'm sending out 1 a week this year, so I've already sent out almost half of what I sent all of last year! |
I found this funny picture in my ephemera stash for Laura. Sadly I couldn't come up with better captions but c'est la vie. |
My correspondence club partner from Jan-March, Kaitlyn. I was very excited to get paired with her because I've been reading her blog for few months now, and I'm absolutely in love with her handwriting. I realized after that I spelled her name wrong every time. Sorry, Kaitlyn! |
I hope you are enjoying your days off, if you're having one, and I hope you're not stuck in the house if you are!
This is what it looks like right now. There's about 3 feet of snow packed in the driveway. |