Good day, lovelies! This is just a quick update, as I've still got quite a few things to finish today. I'm doing laundry while Chris and I watch Cowboys & Aliens. He rented it last night, and I wanted to see it before he brought it back. I have to pack for our trip once the movie is done, and then we've got a family gathering on Chris' dad's side of the family. I've barely spent any time with them since we've been together, so it's kind of intimidating for me. Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to it. Finally, when we get back from the gathering, Chris and I are exchanging our gifts. I'm soooo excited about that because I can't wait to see his reaction to what I got him. Tomorrow we're spending the day with my family, and Sunday we're leaving for Edmonton! I'm so excited to see little nephew - he's getting so big! And I get to see the place where my honey grew up, which is also very cool.
This afternoon I also baked some cookies. They're jam-filled thumbprint cookies, and they are much simpler than other recipes I've been seeing for them online. I'd like to share the recipe with you because I can't stop eating them!!
2 c. butter or margarine
2 c. brown sugar
3 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp baking powder
6 c. flour
Cream butter and brown sugar, add wet ingredients, then flour. Mix well after each addition. Make small balls of dough, about teaspoon-sized, and place about a 1/2 inch apart. Using your thumb or index finger, make small indents in the middle of each ball. Fill the holes with your choice of jam (my preference is raspberry). Bake at 350F for 8-10 minutes. Yum yum!
I wish all of you a merry Christmas, and I hope you have a blessed time with family and friends. And maybe take a moment to remember all that Jesus did for us, all the things we have to be thankful for.
xoxo Fe

Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Some Christmas thoughts.
Hello friends! How are you? I don't know about you, but I am so ready for Christmas!
The tree is up and decorated. The kitties wouldn't stay out of it at first, but now they seem to have satisfied their curiosity with it, and are staying out of it.
The gifts are bought and wrapped. They are not under the tree, however, because my kitties will shred them to pieces. They are attracted to both paper and boxes, so that just does not bode well for boxes wrapped in paper.
Today we had our cell Christmas party, which is actually the first one that I've been to this year. I've been invited to more, but I couldn't make them. We had a lot of fun. We played that game where you get the name of a person or a character on your back, then you have to go around and ask people yes or no questions to figure out who you are. I was Indiana Jones, and that was tough to figure out! We had snacks and stuff. I ate way too many desserts. Then the girls and guys split up, and we played pictionary with the titles of Christmas songs. And we had to actually sing the song for our answer to count. The boys were such cheaters - if they heard us say it before we started singing, then they would start singing. But we beat them hardcore :)
Starting tomorrow, our family gatherings are starting. First, supper at Chris' parents with my brother-in-law's girlfriend (because she's not coming to Edmonton with us). Saturday, my mom's side; Sunday, Chris' mom's side. Next weekend: Chris' dad's side, and with my family. Then we leave for Edmonton and have Christmas there with the rest of Chris' siblings! Busy, but so much fun. That's what I love about Christmas - spending time with family.
I hope that you all enjoy your holidays! Take time to relax and just breathe! And remember that the reason we celebrate Christmas is to remember all that Jesus has done for us!
xoxo Fe
The tree is up and decorated. The kitties wouldn't stay out of it at first, but now they seem to have satisfied their curiosity with it, and are staying out of it.
There's like 2 more presents to add to this, but that's it! |
The gifts are bought and wrapped. They are not under the tree, however, because my kitties will shred them to pieces. They are attracted to both paper and boxes, so that just does not bode well for boxes wrapped in paper.
The little kids sang for "big church" on the weekend. They're so adorable :) |
Today we had our cell Christmas party, which is actually the first one that I've been to this year. I've been invited to more, but I couldn't make them. We had a lot of fun. We played that game where you get the name of a person or a character on your back, then you have to go around and ask people yes or no questions to figure out who you are. I was Indiana Jones, and that was tough to figure out! We had snacks and stuff. I ate way too many desserts. Then the girls and guys split up, and we played pictionary with the titles of Christmas songs. And we had to actually sing the song for our answer to count. The boys were such cheaters - if they heard us say it before we started singing, then they would start singing. But we beat them hardcore :)
Sunday we went for a sleigh ride at my brother-in-law's girlfriend's house. Her family runs a farm where people go to get Christmas trees, and they can go for sleigh rides and stuff too. Fun times! |
Me and my man (we weren't totally prepared for this, but it's the best one I got :P) |
Starting tomorrow, our family gatherings are starting. First, supper at Chris' parents with my brother-in-law's girlfriend (because she's not coming to Edmonton with us). Saturday, my mom's side; Sunday, Chris' mom's side. Next weekend: Chris' dad's side, and with my family. Then we leave for Edmonton and have Christmas there with the rest of Chris' siblings! Busy, but so much fun. That's what I love about Christmas - spending time with family.
I hope that you all enjoy your holidays! Take time to relax and just breathe! And remember that the reason we celebrate Christmas is to remember all that Jesus has done for us!
xoxo Fe
Friday, December 2, 2011
Random thoughts on a Friday evening.
This is me right now. I'm kind of bored.
I didn't feel like filling blanks today, so I didn't. Hahahaha...
Right now I am sitting alone, with Rogue sleeping half on my laptop. Okay, maybe only a quarter. She's silly. Storm is hiding who knows where. We had her spayed and declawed this week, and she's doing really good, but even so I guess she's tired and she wants to get away from Rogue. Rogue can be a bit of a pest sometimes. But she's so darn cute we can't hold it against her. Chris will be on his way home from school soon. He carpools with his dad so I can use the car, but then he has to wait until his dad is done work and sometimes that is kind of late, which makes me sad :(
I am sitting at my desk, writing a letter to Jasmine. She's such a lovely lady - her letters put a smile on my face! Actually ALL letters put a smile on my face! I just love to hear stories about life, about thoughts and hopes and dreams and that supper that you accidentally ruined and that annoying thing your husband does, but gosh-darn he's just so wonderful anyway :) I love to connect with people and to be able to read their stories over and over. Someday, when I pass away, at least my kids will have these letters and remember that their mama liked tangible things over electronics :)
I'm thinking about what to make for supper. I'm thinking tomato soup and grilled cheese because it's chilly today, and that's so comforting on a cold day.
Tomorrow I'm doing some Christmas baking with Estela. I haven't picked my recipes yet, but I have about 13 tabs open with different sweets calling my name. I think I'll do 3, so we'll see which ones I end up with.
Oh hey, I have a job now! Did I mention that? I just finished my second week working at Staples, an office supply store in my town. I love not having to commute!! It's awesome, especially that winter is upon us and roads become disgusting sometimes. So far my job is pretty good - still making dumb mistakes, but I guess there's no way to avoid it. And I get a 15% discount on office supplies :D Yessssss....
Christmas in 23 days!! Wooooo!!!
Have a lovely weekend, my friends <3
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Some thoughts by a smart man.
This is something that a friend posted on Facebook recently, and I decided to share it because I completely agree with it. The original can be found here. I am not sure of the validity of the rest of this - maybe Ben Stein actually said it, maybe not.
I am not posting this to offend, just to provoke thought. Some very good points in here. You can just replace "America" with "Canada" in most cases because we're almost the same at this point.
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.
My confession:
I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it
does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful
lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I
don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry
Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready
to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we
are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It
doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a
key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a
creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and
I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being
Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of
getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came
from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it
in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.
Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that
we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God ? I
guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of
us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the
America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to
one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not
intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early
Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this
happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina).. Anne Graham gave an
extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God
is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been
telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and
to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He
has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing
and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'
In light
of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think
it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body
found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our
schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the
Bible in school. The Bible says thou shall not kill; thou shall not
steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.
Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they
misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we
might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We
said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why
they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to
kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if
we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think
it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'
how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the
world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say,
but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start
sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through
cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school
and workplace.
Are you laughing yet?
Funny how when
you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address
list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think
of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you think it has merit.
If not, then just discard it.... no one will know you did. But, if
you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about
what bad shape the world is in.
My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully,
Ben Stein
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Let it snow... (Mail 2.6)
Firstly, I am enjoying the fresh layer of snow today. It's so pretty! I'm currently listening to Michael Buble's new Christmas album. I love it. Wonderful!
Secondly, has it really been 2 months since my last mail post? Apparently so! Disgusting, Fe...
I haven't had too much mail coming in or going out. Not shameful, but not impressive either. I'm content :) However, I've been terrible at taking pictures of my outgoing mail.What else is new? I'll try to do better from now on.

Awesome calligraphy from Merissa in Hawaii. I'm so obsessed with going to Hawaii someday, and I love writing to people from places that I want to visit!
A long awaited letter from Stella in China. She's adorable :)
Snail mail and a postcard from Snailmail Fan

From my darling Julia.
A first letter from Kotana in Japan.
An awesome letter and fuzzy kitty stickers from Lindsay! I love the ridiculous stationery - definitely puts a smile on my face.
Lovely postcards from Gracie. I was paired with her for my very first Happy Mail Project swap!
I did a movie tag on the postcrossing forum, and this person tagged me and wrote their thoughts on Back to the Future for me :)
Awesome awesome package from Jasmine! Seriously, I squealed as I took things out. I was glad I was alone because I felt a bit ridiculous at how delighted I was.

My attempt at snail mail for Belen

For Snailmail Fan
A passel of Postcrossing cards

For the lovely miss Olga.
That's all I have for you today! I hope that you all remember to pass on the snail mail love! And have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday 2.18
1. A nervous habit I have is biting my nails/chewing on them til they get all jaggedy and painful.
2. Something that makes me sad is the fact that 90% of people that grow up in the church will leave it by the time they are 25 .
3. Today I am thankful for grey skies and snow, hot chocolate, snuggly cats, and lots of letters to write .
4. My favorite room in my house is my living room. Comfy couches where Chris and I hang out with our cats .
5. I can't stand listening to top 40 music because most of it is just crappy lyrics. It drives me nuts.
6. If I had an extra $100 to spend on whatever I wanted today I would buy a nice pair of boots that were stylish and warm. I need a new pair of boots, but I just can't bring myself to spend that much on a pair even though it's a necessary investment in this climate.
7. The last person I hung out with was my friend Estela. We went shopping, saw Puss in Boots (which was quite good!) and got our first Starbucks holiday drinks of the season.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
My salvation story.
Hello friends! Today I am doing something that's a bit different for this blog, but something that I want to do. My friend Callie is hosting a link up to share the stories of how we came to know Jesus. I don't talk about my faith a lot here on my blog, but that is something that I intend to change. Not that I intend to become preachy and unrelatable. I just want it to be evident that there is something bigger in my life.
I know that some of you readers don't share the same faith as me, and that is okay. You don't have to read this if you don't want to. Just respect that it is important for me to put this out there.
My salvation story.
I grew up in a Christian home. In my circles, that is the most common way a testimony begins. And it's been only in the past year that I have come to realize what a huge blessing that is. Lots of people don't have the upbringing that I did, and I've become more thankful over the years for this Christian heritage I have.
My parents taught me about Jesus ever since I was born, and when I was starting school they put me in a small Christian private school (small being 30 students total). Every morning we did devotions as a school before starting on our work. Now, I don't remember the specifics, but I must have come home one day affected by what I had heard. Then that evening I overheard my sister asking my mom about Heaven and hell. All I knew after listening to their conversation was that I did not want to go to hell! So I prayed right where I was by myself, and I asked Jesus to please let me come live with Him, because I didn't want to go to hell forever.
Even though my motivation to get saved was childish fear, I genuinely loved Jesus when I was growing up. I loved reading stories in the Bible about people who were brave and lived for God, and I wanted to be like them. However, around the age of 12 I began to doubt that I was really saved. Almost every night I would ask Jesus into my heart again. This went on for a few years, and it was quite turbulent for me. I just had this fear that I wasn't really saved, and someday Jesus would just swoop back and take the Christians and I would be left alone (this was after the popularity of the Left Behind series and the pre-tribulation rapture, a doctrine I no longer agree with). Finally at age 16 I'd had enough, and I told God once and for all I was just going to trust that I was saved in His eyes. A few years later I was at my cell group meeting, and I was praying with some friends when I got confirmation once and for all that I was saved as long as I was trying to live for the Lord. Ever since then I have never doubted that I will be with Jesus when I die (or this life ends, whichever comes first).
One of the most important factors in my story is my search for a church (haha that rhymes). I went to one church growing up, but as I got older I began to feel out of place there. I wanted more than what they were giving me, but I had to go there because that's where my parents went. In grade 12 I started at a new school (a larger Christian high school [where I met my now husband!]) and I began going to youth group with my new friends. When I got my driver's license, I started attending services at that church. I felt like I was getting closer, but it still wasn't the right place for me.
In September 2005 a friend that I was re-connecting with invited me to come to her cell group at Southland Community Church. I had been to a few youth worship nights there and I really liked them, so I thought that it would be a good idea. So I joined this group and I really liked it, but I was still going to this other church. Finally, in December I attended a service at Southland, and from the very first time I walked in those doors, I knew I was home. The worship was real. The message was exactly what I needed to hear. For so long I had been listening to the same messages over and over. I was tired of the rote and stale. I needed so desperately to grow, and I knew that this was the place I was going to learn how. At 17 I walked into the church I am confident I will stay at for the rest of my life, unless the Lord leads us geographically elsewhere.
Right now I'm at a place where God is beginning to reveal to me His purpose for my life. I'm entering a spring time in my walk, so it is time to grow and learn. I hope that it will become more evident in my life, but what I want the most is to help Jesus touch others with my story and with my life. I want to help others grow as well, and I want to do great things for the Kingdom, even though I'm not sure what those things will be yet.
I hope that you found my journey something you can learn from or take encouragement from. If you have any questions, please email me (address is on the side).
Go with God and be blessed today, my friends.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Re-connecting with old friends
I have something cool to report!
A year ago, I wrote this post about a friend I'd drifted away from. I wanted to reconnect our old friendship, but just didn't know how.
Getting married is a great way to do this! I invited Candida and her husband to my wedding, and they came! We even got to chat a little bit at the reception and decided that we needed to reunite our trio (my bridesmaid Estela is the third member, so obviously I still hang out with her :P).
Well, finally, after being married for 4.5 months, we arranged a coffee date for the three of us. And almost a year to the day after writing that post, we had coffee and talked and laughed. It was so great! Yeah, not talking to someone for a few years will stifle the conversation a bit but it was still good to connect after all this time.
So if there is someone from your past that you just drifted away from and really miss, just get ahold of them somehow and set up a coffee date! If it doesn't work out, who does it hurt? And if it does, you'll probably have a really good time.
A year ago, I wrote this post about a friend I'd drifted away from. I wanted to reconnect our old friendship, but just didn't know how.
Getting married is a great way to do this! I invited Candida and her husband to my wedding, and they came! We even got to chat a little bit at the reception and decided that we needed to reunite our trio (my bridesmaid Estela is the third member, so obviously I still hang out with her :P).
Well, finally, after being married for 4.5 months, we arranged a coffee date for the three of us. And almost a year to the day after writing that post, we had coffee and talked and laughed. It was so great! Yeah, not talking to someone for a few years will stifle the conversation a bit but it was still good to connect after all this time.
So if there is someone from your past that you just drifted away from and really miss, just get ahold of them somehow and set up a coffee date! If it doesn't work out, who does it hurt? And if it does, you'll probably have a really good time.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
10 on Tuesday
Hello friends! Today I am linking up with Roots and Rings for Ten on Tuesday! This is a new thing, introduced to me by Lauren. So if you want to join in, just link up here!
1. What is your favorite month? Either May or December. May is my birthday month, and December is Christmas. They're both favorites.
2. What is the best candy to get while trick or treating? Reese's is the best candy every time.
3. What kind of pen do you use? Any pen I can get my hands on. I've really been enjoying my Sarasa gel pens - many colors of them :)
4. You go to a new Italian restaurant, what is your go-to order? I think I go with cheese tortellini, usually with alfredo sauce.
5. If you could choose to have any celebrity’s hair, who’s would you choose? Zooey Deschanel. No contest.
6. What’s your favorite board game? Clue!
7. Do you know how to play poker? Friends tried to teach me once, but I'm hopeless.
8. What do you think about Old Navy commercials? They're pretty annoying.
9. What hurts worse- a stubbed toe or a paper cut? Stubbed toe, because I have slightly ingrown toenails on my big toes. Oh I just want to die when I stub my toes because the pain lingers.
10. What’s your favorite kind of pie? Chocolate cream pie. With real whipped cream and shaved chocolate on top. Oooh now I want some.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Back to the Future trilogy
Hello, my lovely readers. Time for another edition of...
The Back to the Future trilogy
Chris and I watched these movies a few weeks ago. I had never seen them before, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
In the first movie, Doc Emmett Brown invents a time machine in 1985, and asks his young friend Marty McFly to help him document the first run. Through a series of unfortunate events, Marty gets sent to the day in 1955 that his parents were supposed to meet... Note "supposed". Because Marty shows up in the past, he prevents his parents meeting, and thereby could prevent their marriage, and eventually his own birth. He finds Doc, and with his help they work out a plan to set future events right.
The Back to the Future trilogy
Chris and I watched these movies a few weeks ago. I had never seen them before, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
In the first movie, Doc Emmett Brown invents a time machine in 1985, and asks his young friend Marty McFly to help him document the first run. Through a series of unfortunate events, Marty gets sent to the day in 1955 that his parents were supposed to meet... Note "supposed". Because Marty shows up in the past, he prevents his parents meeting, and thereby could prevent their marriage, and eventually his own birth. He finds Doc, and with his help they work out a plan to set future events right.
Doc and Marty trying out the time machine
Marty playing at the dance where his parents are supposed to fall in love
Bit of an Oedipus thing going on here with Marty's mom, Lorraine
The iconic time machine
The second and third movies were just as funny and action-filled (although I think the first one is my favorite of the three). In Back to the Future II, Marty and Doc go the year 2015 to help change Marty's loser kids path. However, someone from their '85 past recognizes them and "borrows" the time machine to go to '55 and change his own future. When Doc and Marty arrive back in '85, they find that things are much different than they left them. After realizing happened, they must again go back to '55 and prevent things from going into the wrong hands to return their present to the right state. (Make sense? I'm trying not to give too much away if you have never seen them!) At the end of the movie, a fiasco happens with the time machine, and Doc gets sent to 1885 with Marty left behind in 1955.
A moment with the McFly family
Hahaha! Evil will never prevail!
The third movie picks up where the second one left off, with Marty alone in 1955. Since Doc was farther in the past with the time machine, he left it somewhere where Marty would be able to find it in his time. Doc also writes Marty to leave him be in the past, he likes his life there, but Marty is determined to bring him back. Of course, things happen that cannot be left as-is in the past, otherwise their future will be ruined. Along the way, Doc finds love for the first time in his life, and he must choose whether to stay with her or return to his rightful place in time.
The final chapter
In every movie there is a photo that plays a key part in the plot. (Love Doc's doofy face here!)
I recommend these movies for a fun movie night with friends, where everyone can sit back and just laugh. Pour some Pepsi, pop some corn, and settle in for a wild ride.
Have you seen them? What did you think? Can you recommend some movies I should watch and possibly feature?
Friday, October 28, 2011
filling in the blanks. 2.17
Hi kids. Yes, I'm still here. I don't have much to say these days. At least anything that would be interesting to the internet. But here I am, once again.
4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was Don't do Halloween. Never have, never will. I don't like it.
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I Oh this will sound bad, but when I was 9 or something my friend passed me a note and we got caught. The note said something mean about our teacher (my friend hated our teacher. I didn't.) so we both got in trouble. I was mad because there was no way I could have prevented this situation. I mean, you can't refuse a note. I didn't know what it said until I read it. I'm not bitter :P .
Linking up at the little things we do.
1. When I was a kid I wanted to be a librarian when I grew up.
2. As an adult, my dream job would be a book editor (and also being a mama of 4 kids would be sweet) .
3. W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like my mom, probably. I don't remember .
5. My favorite childhood toy was Barbies. My sister and I would build elaborate house layouts and play for hours .
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I Oh this will sound bad, but when I was 9 or something my friend passed me a note and we got caught. The note said something mean about our teacher (my friend hated our teacher. I didn't.) so we both got in trouble. I was mad because there was no way I could have prevented this situation. I mean, you can't refuse a note. I didn't know what it said until I read it. I'm not bitter :P .
7. I get daily inspiration from books, blogs, the hubs .
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Help
The Help (2011)
I'm going to keep this one short, because I can't even describe how amazingly powerful this movie is. Seriously. One of the best movies I have ever seen.
An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960's decides to write a book detailing the African American Maid's point of view on the White families they work for, and their hardships they go through on a day to day basis. (description courtesy of IMDB)
This description does not even begin to warn you how emotionally engaging this film is. I sat there the whole time, completely involved in the story taking place in front of me.
Also, here is another indicator to tell you how involved you will be in the story:
I have never cried in a movie before. Honestly, never. Not one time. Because even though they're sometimes sad, they are never real to me.
I cried during this movie. It was real.
There. Go watch it. It is intense. It will be the most powerful movie experience you will have, probably ever. And if not, then you do not have human emotions. Or something else seriously wrong with you.
Okay, this post is ridiculous and doesn't nearly do such a terrific movie justice, but I just want to tell you to watch it now!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
10 facts about me.
1. When a recipe calls for chocolate chips, I always eyeball how much I put in. Always. Who wants what it calls for? More please!
2. (no offense to anyone!) When people call Native Americans "Indians" it really annoys me. Mostly because it's just geographically incorrect!! They're not from India, so they're not Indians!!!! Sigh.
3. I love the smell of campfire smoke. At this time of year a lot of the farmers burn their fields and it smells like smoke for days. Awesome :)
4. I love Slurpees and ice cream in -40C weather. Yes, I'm weird.
5. I didn't grow up with Christmas traditions like hanging stockings or watching a certain movie every year with the family. We don't even have our family Christmas on the same day every year.
6. I start thinking about Christmas shopping at the end of September.
7. Swearing in a movie turns me off more than sex scenes or violence. So pretty much every movie out in theatres right now.
8. I also really despise raunchy movie and will not watch them. I'm the only one from my siblings that hasn't seen The Hangover. I will never. (So pretty much every movie out in theatres right now.)
9. I read the first Harry Potter book in July for the first time because I had to for a course. I felt like such a hypocrite because I had avoided anything Harry Potter with a passion since the beginning because of the hype. I'm still not going to jump in.
10. I am a terrible drawer, and I can't even doodle cool fonts or anything for when I do mail art. It sucks.
2. (no offense to anyone!) When people call Native Americans "Indians" it really annoys me. Mostly because it's just geographically incorrect!! They're not from India, so they're not Indians!!!! Sigh.
3. I love the smell of campfire smoke. At this time of year a lot of the farmers burn their fields and it smells like smoke for days. Awesome :)
4. I love Slurpees and ice cream in -40C weather. Yes, I'm weird.
5. I didn't grow up with Christmas traditions like hanging stockings or watching a certain movie every year with the family. We don't even have our family Christmas on the same day every year.
6. I start thinking about Christmas shopping at the end of September.
7. Swearing in a movie turns me off more than sex scenes or violence. So pretty much every movie out in theatres right now.
8. I also really despise raunchy movie and will not watch them. I'm the only one from my siblings that hasn't seen The Hangover. I will never. (So pretty much every movie out in theatres right now.)
9. I read the first Harry Potter book in July for the first time because I had to for a course. I felt like such a hypocrite because I had avoided anything Harry Potter with a passion since the beginning because of the hype. I'm still not going to jump in.
10. I am a terrible drawer, and I can't even doodle cool fonts or anything for when I do mail art. It sucks.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday 2.16
Click the pic to link up!
1. Something popular that I can't stand/just don't "get" is leggings as pants, especially the sheer ones! Honestly! .
2. Something unpopular that I secretly love is playing Super Smash Bros. Wii with my husband .
3. When I've had a bad day I grab a cold Pepsi, my current read (the one I enjoy most, anyway) and hide under blankets on the couch .
4. I'd prefer 10 real birthday cards to 100 wall posts on Facebook any day.
5. Something that makes me nervous is having to choose a career for the rest of my life .
6. Something worth fighting for is marriage. Marriage is God's idea, and that alone makes it worth it. Never mind all the other awesome stuff about it. I could go on for a while about my stance on this, but you might get bored :P .
7. When people think of me, I hope they think "She is a kind, gentle soul who makes me laugh and inspires me to get closer to Jesus." .
Monday, October 3, 2011
Notting Hill
Wow, 2 months since I've done one of these? Terrible! Well, I've seen so many movies lately that I had a hard time picking one to do today. But since it's been a while since I've seen a new-to-me chick flick, I decided to pick that one.
I have to say, I am a sucker for Hugh Grant movies. And I don't know how I went this long without seeing it. I love British comedies - I just totally get that humour.
So Notting Hill is about a bookstore owner, William, who has a big surprise one day when Anna Scott, movie star of the moment, walks into his store. They have a connection, and after a few mishaps, they find themselves in something resembling a relationship. However, Anna's fame is huge, and Will is just an ordinary man - will their romance be able to survive their differences?
Of course, because this is a Hollywood movie, there is sexual content that I find inappropriate (and is actually featured in a prominent way in this film - Anna is a famous movie star, after all, and scandal seems to follow them like a puppy). However, I still enjoyed this movie. Will's character was sweet and kind - maybe he could have shown more aggression at times, but generally a very likeable man. I think this movie is great to watch alone with a big bowl of ice cream (or whatever your movie watching snack is) when you just need to wind down.
I have to say, I am a sucker for Hugh Grant movies. And I don't know how I went this long without seeing it. I love British comedies - I just totally get that humour.
This scene was fantastic. Definitely made me smile.
So Notting Hill is about a bookstore owner, William, who has a big surprise one day when Anna Scott, movie star of the moment, walks into his store. They have a connection, and after a few mishaps, they find themselves in something resembling a relationship. However, Anna's fame is huge, and Will is just an ordinary man - will their romance be able to survive their differences?
Of course, because this is a Hollywood movie, there is sexual content that I find inappropriate (and is actually featured in a prominent way in this film - Anna is a famous movie star, after all, and scandal seems to follow them like a puppy). However, I still enjoyed this movie. Will's character was sweet and kind - maybe he could have shown more aggression at times, but generally a very likeable man. I think this movie is great to watch alone with a big bowl of ice cream (or whatever your movie watching snack is) when you just need to wind down.
Friday, September 30, 2011
FITBF 2.15
Link up at Lauren's
1. My current obsession is nail polish. Stationery. But those are kind of always all the time .
2. Playing video games with my hubby make me happy.
3. My greatest strength is organizing spaces .
4. Procrastination is my greatest weakness.
5. My life is pretty awesome, even though I don't have a job. My husband, family and friends are amazing, and we are blessed with so much .
6. In high school I was average - I had a lot of friends but I wasn't super popular or involved in everything .
7. When I'm super tired I zone out, start mumbling, and laugh at everything .
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